
Sunday, April 18, 2010

I got an "I love your blog" award!!

YAY!! Thank you "Give Peas a Chance"!! If she's not one of your blogs to follow you best make her one. Her food makes you not only hungry but drool!

Here are the rules of the award:
Here are the rules:
*Post the award on your blog*
*Link the person who has given you the award*
*Pass the award to 15 other blogs you’ve discovered*
*Remember to contact the bloggers you’ve nominated*

Three Many Cooks - Great recipes & everyday conversation.
Notes Girls Write - Each photograph has a story behind it.
Cake Journal - You all know my love for desserts, especially cupcakes.
My Military Hero - She started a small business that's now HUGE!

Ok, I suck, that's all I could come up with at the moment. I feel weird leaving an award on a complete strangers site (but I did). I follow a lot of blogs, I really do.


Pam Anderson said...

Thank you, Jennifer, for the award. You left a note on our site saying you hoped it wasn't weird. Are you kidding me?! We're honored. Thank you.
