
Friday, May 16, 2008

Birthday shirt

I've gone cupcake crazy!! I was browsing online for a shirt that Princess could wear with her tutu. I came across several items that I liked but no prices I was willing to pay. I'm one that if I can make it quickly & for cheaper, then I'm going to make it. This project cost me less than $1 to make. Not even sure if I bought the t-shirt or if it was a hand me down. Tootie wore it so it's at least a couple of years old. All I had to do was buy the felt. I got felt squares from Jo-Anns for 20 cents each & have plenty left over for future projects. The inspiration were the Robeez's . I used liquid stitch to hold everything down & the stitches I added are more for look.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Princess' birthday tutu

I have a few minutes to kill this morning before I have to get ready to take Tootie to his appointment. My goal for Princess' birthday is to get everything made before we travel. Once we get to our destination I doubt I'll have much time to do anything crafty. If I haven't already mentioned or if you have not noticed, Princess is having a cupcake theme. The inspiration for the tutu came from Give Peas a Chance. The colors for her tutu came from a pair of cupcake Robeez shoes that she has - brown, pink & fuschia.

All you need is elastic & tulle. I used to roll elastic & the 6" tulle that comes on a roll in the wedding section of your craft store.

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BTW, it was brought to my attention the other day that I have not mentioned the vanity. I have come to the conclusion that I have creative/craft ADD. Actually things got busy here & other things became more important, BUT I will get back to it. Actually I have come up with an alternative to finishing it which will be quicker than the route I was taking previously. Hopefully I will get it done this week if someone stays on top of me. I need to pin a sticky note to myself to get it done!! In the mean time I have been getting great use out of that vanity.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mini cupcake crayons

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What you need...
- crayons
- cutting tool (knife or scissors or xacto knife)
- mini muffin pan
- mini cupcake cups (optional)

**Preheat oven to 265 degrees F.

Peel or slice the wrappers off the crayons. Place cupcake cups into pan. Pick 2 or 3 colors/crayons for each cupcake. Break the crayons into 1/4th & place into the cup. Place into oven & melt for 6-8 minutes. You don't want them to be too liquidity, just lose shape. Take out & set on the counter to congeal for a few minutes. Place into freezer for 30 minutes. If you do not use cupcake cups, after taking out of the freezer they will pop right now.
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I'm making these as party favors for Princess' birthday.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Cupcake cards

I'm ahead of myself, but that's a good thing right now. I'm making these for Princess' first birthday. I'm pleased with the way they are turning out. Here birthday isn't for another month & a half plus some days. I have a million other things on my plate so I need to get moving.

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- plain cards
- muslin
- fabric for cupcake tops
- fabric for cupcake cups
- thread
- puffy paint (optional)
- yarn or other material for candle
- tissue paper for flame (optional)
- 2 coordinating colors of ribbon
- Liquid stitch

Cut muslin with pinking sheers to fit the size of your card. Draw & cut a pattern for your cupcake tops & cups. Trace & cut fabrics. I wanted the pleat look on the cups so I added lines with puffy paint. With the liquid stitch glue the tops & cups to the muslin. Glue your candle & flame on. Stitch (sewing machine or by hand) muslin to card down the sides of the front & back. Sewing machine would be quicker, but I liked the look of the hand stitch. Ask me if I still like the look when I am finished with the rest of the cards. Tie ribbon around the middle of the card. Add your party information or note to someone on the inside! Super quick & addicting. Now I can go get some of that much needed sleep!